Possibility of combining tourist visits to coincide with the timing of various cultural events
- District of Rousse, Rousse Municipality: International Folklore Festival “Sandrovo sings and dances” – Sandrovo village (August); Folklore Fest “Golden fiddle” – Ruse (June)
- Veliko Tarnovo district:
Gorna Oryahovitsa municipality: International cultural events in Gorna Oryahovitsa – International Folklore Festival “Rahovche” (June); International competition for singers of popular songs “New Music” (April), National Folklore festival of folk choirs and groups “Parvomaytsi” – Parvomaytsi village; National Festival of Folk dance clubs and groups “Folklore rosary” – Gorna Oryahovitsa
Polski Trambesh municipality: National singing competition “Golden oriole singing” – Obedinenie village (May)
Pleven district, Pleven municipality: National cultural events in Pleven: National competition for new Bulgarian dramaturgy “Ivan Radoev” (March-April); National Festival of avant-garde videofilm “Art Vision”